3DS with the 3DS JavaScript API

This topic outlines all the steps that are required to add 3DS to your Mastercard Gateway integration using the 3DS JavaScript(JS) API, including how to use the authentication result to process a payment.

To view examples of the API requests and responses used in the 3DS flow with the 3DS JavaScript API, download the Postman collection.

For more information about some generic 3DS features you can take advantage of in your integration, see FAQs. After you have completed your integration, see Testing your 3DS Integration to test it.

Prerequisites Copied to Clipboard

To use 3DS with the 3DS JS API:

Step 1: Create and update session Copied to Clipboard

3DS JS uses session-based authentication. For more information about the session-based authentication, see Authentication Options. As a first step, you must create a session, which you can then update with the request fields and values you wish to store in the session.
You can create a session using the CREATE SESSION request. This is a server-side WS API request and is a prerequisite for integrating with the JS API. It returns the following fields:

  • session.id
    Unique session identifier which you must provide on subsequent requests to reference session contents.
  • session.authenticationLimit
    Limit on the number of transaction requests the payer's browser can submit. You can supply a value in the request or use the gateway's default. By default, the gateway sets it to 5, but you can provide a value up to 25. This limit prevents malicious users from using the authentication request as a potential carding attack and from performing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on your site by submitting large numbers of potentially billable transactions.
    Any authentication retries you initiate are checked against the authentication limit.
  • session.aes256Key
    Key you can use to decrypt sensitive data passed to your website through the payer's browser or mobile device.
  • session.version
    Session version. You can use this field to implement optimistic locking of the session content.
  • session.updateStatus
    Summary of the outcome of the last attempt to modify the session.

After you have created the session, you can add or update fields in a session using the UPDATE SESSION request. This allows you to add payment and payer data into a session that can subsequently become the input to determine the risk associated with a payer in an authentication operation. The following table defines commonly used fields in a session.
Table: Session fields

Field Required/Optional Description
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.* or
Required Details of the card being used for the payment.
You can also use network tokens and device payment tokens as source of funds in payer authentication. For more information, see FAQs.
order.amount Required Total amount of the order.
order.currency Required Currency of the order.
transaction.id Required Unique identifier for this payment authentication.
order.id Required Unique identifier for this order.
authentication.channel Required Channel in which the authentication request is being initiated. You can specify one of the following:
  • MERCHANT_REQUESTED: Denotes that you are requesting authentication of a cardholder without the payer being available for interaction. For example, as part of processing a recurring payment. This option is currently not supported.
  • PAYER_BROWSER: Denotes that the payer is interacting through a web browser. For example, with the merchant's eCommerce web site.
authentication.redirectResponseUrl Required URL to which you want to redirect the payer after completing the payer authentication process. You do not need to provide this URL if you are certain that there will be no interaction with the payer.
authentication.purpose Optional Purpose of the authentication.
By default, this field is set to PAYMENT_TRANSACTION to indicate that authentication is to be performed when processing a card payment. However, you can specify a different purpose to indicate non-payment authentication. If you are establishing a payment agreement and not processing a payment along with it, provide ADD_CARD as the authentication purpose. See How can I submit a Non-Payment Authentication Request? Agreement details must be provided.
authentication.acceptVersions Optional 3DS versions that you accept for this payment. If you do not specify a version, 3DS2 is accepted. The gateway uses 3DS2 if supported by the issuer and the card. If 3DS2 is not available, the authentication does not proceed.
order.merchantCategoryCode Optional Merchant category code.
Provide the value if you want to override the default value configured on your acquirer link.
You cannot remove fields from a session. You can only overwrite values for existing fields.

Step 2: Initialize the API Copied to Clipboard

Reference the 3DS JS API (threeDS.js) from the gateway servers. This places a ThreeDS object into the window/global namespace.
Once you have created a session, initialize the 3DS JS API using the configure() function, with the following mandatory arguments in the threedsConfig map object:

  • merchantId
    Your merchant identifier on the gateway.
  • sessionId
    Session ID that you created using the CREATE SESSION request.
  • containerId
    <div> ID in your HTML code where the API injects a hidden iframe.
  • callback
    Function to be invoked once the API has been initialized.
  • configuration
    JSON value supporting data elements like userLanguage (payment page language displayed to the user; optional) and wsVersion (WS API version).

The configure() function must be called during the page load or when the DOM is in ready state. It must be called only once for the page load. After calling this method, 3DS JS provides configuration values as member variables.

Initialize API configuration example

    <script src="../../../../../../../static/threeDS/1.3.0/three-ds.min.js"

    <script type="text/javascript">
        //The output of this call will return 'false', since the API is not configured yet
        Configure method with the configuration{} parameter set and demonstrates the state change of the ThreeDS object before and after the configure method is invoked.
            merchantId: {merchantId},
            sessionId: {sessionId},
            containerId: "3DSUI",
            callback: function () {
                if (ThreeDS.isConfigured())
                    console.log("Done with configure");
            configuration: {
                userLanguage: "en-AU", //Optional parameter
                wsVersion: 81

        //The output of this call will return 'true', since the API is configured

        //The output of the following code might look like "ThreeDS JS API Version : 1.2.0"
        console.log("ThreeDS JS API Version : " + ThreeDS.version);
        <div id="3DSUI"></div>

Step 3: Initiate authentication Copied to Clipboard

Once all payer and payment data has been gathered into a session, you can initiate the authentication by invoking the initiateAuthentication() function. It calls the INITIATE AUTHENTICATION request of the Payer Authentication API and determines the versions of payer authentication available to you for a given card, based on the following:

  • 3DS versions configured on your merchant profile
  • Card type
  • Preferences you have indicated in the request
  • Version of 3DS the card has been enrolled in
  • 3DS transaction filtering rules configured by you or Your payment service provider (PSP)

The function also enables any background activities, such as a 3DS2 ACS call to be carried out for purposes such as gathering additional payer data to support a subsequent authenticatePayer() function.

To allow any ACS call process to complete before you attempt the authenticatePayer() function, invoke the initiateAuthentication() function at the earliest opportunity in your checkout process, and act on the response immediately. The earliest opportunity is typically when the payer completes entering their card number on the checkout page, for example, the onBlur event of the Card Number input field, or when selecting a card from those recorded against their account, if your site has card-on-file capabilities. Allow at least 10 seconds for the ACS method call to complete.

You can initiate authentication by calling the initiateAuthentication() function with the following mandatory arguments:

  • transactionId
    Unique identifier for this payment authentication.
  • orderId
    Unique identifier for this order.
  • callback
    Callback function.
  • optionalParams (optional)
    Additional fields, such as correlationId.

If 3DS authentication of the payer is available, the following fields are returned in the data argument of the callback function. Otherwise, the response includes an error.

  • data.restApiResponse
    Raw response from the Initiate Authentication REST API call.
  • data.correlationId
    Last correlation Id that was used for making the Initiate Authentication REST API call. It allows you to match the response to the request.
  • data.gatewayRecommendation
    Recommendation on your next actions, based on the 3DS transaction filtering rules configured by you or your PSP:
    • PROCEED :You can proceed to Step 4 to authenticate the payer.
    • RESUBMIT_WITH_ALTERNATIVE_PAYMENT_DETAILS :Ask the payer for alternative payment details, for example, a new card or another payment method and resubmit the request with the new details. Do not resubmit the same request.
  • data.authenticationVersion
    Returns 3DS2 if authentication is available.
Initiate authentication request example

var optionalParams = {
    sourceOfFunds: {
        type: "CARD"

ThreeDS.initiateAuthentication({orderId}, {transactionId}, function (data) {
    if (data && data.error) {
        var error = data.error;

        //Something bad happened, the error value will match what is returned by the Authentication API
        console.error("error.code : ", error.code);
        console.error("error.msg : ", error.msg);
        console.error("error.result : ", error.result);
        console.error("error.status : ", error.status);
    } else {
        console.log("After Initiate 3DS ", data);

        //data.response will contain information like gatewayRecommendation, authentication version, and so on.
        console.log("REST API raw response ", data.restApiResponse);
        console.log("Correlation Id", data.correlationId);
        console.log("Gateway Recommendation", data.gatewayRecommendation);
        console.log("HTML Redirect Code", data.htmlRedirectCode);
        console.log("Authentication Version", data.authenticationVersion);

        switch (data.gatewayRecommendation) {
            case "PROCEED":
                authenticatePayer();//merchant's method
               tryOtherPayment();//Card does not support 3DS and transaction filtering rules require 3DS on this transaction: Ask the payer to select a different payment method.
}, optionalParams);
Initiate authentication response example
      "redirectHtml":"<div id=\"initiate3dsSimpleRedirect\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/html\"> <iframe id=\"methodFrame\" name=\"methodFrame\" height=\"100\" width=\"200\" > </iframe> <form id =\"initiate3dsSimpleRedirectForm\" method=\"POST\" action=\"https://<host_name>/acs/v2/method\" target=\"methodFrame\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"threeDSMethodData\" value=\"eyJ0aHJlZURTTWV0aG9kTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uVVJMIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9xYTA0LmdhdGV3YXkubWFzdGVyY2FyZC5jb20vY2FsbGJhY2tJbnRlcmZhY2UvZ2F0ZXdheS80ZjNmMGQyMjM5NzQwODE2OWIwMWFiYzg2OTQyZTY5NzBmODA2M2M0MDU4ZjAzNjNlOTFlMmJiOTNkOTA0NzU3IiwidGhyZWVEU1NlcnZlclRyYW5zSUQiOiJhYWY5YjU5ZC0yZTA0LTRjZDUtOTQzOC01OGU4MGEzNzBiNWEifQ==\" /> </form> <script>document.getElementById(\"initiate3dsSimpleRedirectForm\").submit();</script> </div>",

Step 4: Authenticate payer Copied to Clipboard

If the INITIATE AUTHENTICATION response has indicated authentication to be available (transaction.authenticationStatus=AUTHENTICATION_AVAILABLE), you can authenticate the payer. Invoke the authenticatePayer() function when the payer clicks the Pay Now button on the checkout page. The function calls the AUTHENTICATE PAYER request of the Payer Authentication API.

You must invoke the authenticatePayer() function by providing the following mandatory arguments:

  • orderId
    Same order ID as you used in the preceding initiateAuthentication() function.
  • transactionId
    Same transaction ID as you used in the preceding initiateAuthentication() function.
  • callback
    Callback function.
  • optionalParams(Optional)
    Additional AUTHENTICATE PAYER request fields such as billing and shipping.

The following fields are returned in the data argument of the callback function:

  • data.restApiResponse
    Raw response from the AUTHENTICATE PAYER request. The returned fields depend on the flow (frictionless or challenge) and the authentication channel defined for the session. For a session-authenticated request, the response is filtered to remove data that is not related to the payer and only whitelisted fields are returned. For more information, see Session Basics.
  • data.correlationId
    Last correlation ID that was used for making the AUTHENTICATE PAYER request. It allows you to match the response to the request.
  • data.gatewayRecommendation
    Recommendation on your next actions, based on the 3DS transaction filtering rules configured by you or your payment service provider:
    • PROCEED :You can proceed to complete the authentication process (challenge flow) or proceed to complete the payment (frictionless flow). If the authorization for the payment was successful, proceed with capturing the funds, and if applicable, ship the goods.
    • DO_NOT_PROCEED_ABANDON_ORDER :Do not submit the same request again. The PSP, scheme, or issuer requires you to abandon the order.
    • RESUBMIT_WITH_ALTERNATIVE_PAYMENT_DETAILS :Ask the payer for alternative payment details (for example, a new card or another payment method) and resubmit the request with the new details. Do not resubmit the same request.
  • data.htmlRedirectCode
    Redirect code. If the gatewayRecommendation is PROCEED, insert this code into the page displayed to the payer.

If the gateway recommends you to PROCEED:

  • If the ACS has selected a frictionless flow for the payer, it redirects the payer's browser straight back to your web site, and you can proceed to Step 5 to submit a subsequent payment to the gateway. The gateway obtains the authentication data related to the payment and ensures that payments are processed only if all the 3DS transaction filtering rules (configured by you or your payment service provider) have passed.
  • If the ACS has selected a challenge flow for the payer, redirect the payer to the ACS using the htmlRedirectCode provided in the response. After the challenge is completed, the ACS redirects the payer back to your web site and triggers a callback that contains the orderId, transactionId, gatewayRecommendation, and restApiResponse fields. Determine the outcome of the challenge based on the gatewayRecommendation field. The same rules apply as described above for the authenticatePayer() function response. If the recommendation is PROCEED, continue with Step 5.
Authenticate payer request example

var optionalParams = {
    fullScreenRedirect: true,
    billing: {
        address: {
            city: "London",
            country: "GBR"
ThreeDS.authenticatePayer({orderId}, {transactionId}, function (data) {
    if (!data.error) {
        //data.response will contain all the response payload from the AUTHENTICATE_PAYER call.
        console.log("REST API response ", data.restApiResponse);
        console.log("HTML redirect code", data.htmlRedirectCode);
}, optionalParams);
function displayReceipt(apiResponse) {
    var responseBody = {
        "apiResponse": apiResponse
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open('PUT', '3dsreceipt', true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
            document.documentElement.innerHTML = this.response;

Authenticate payer response example
      "redirectHtml":"<div id=\"threedsChallengeRedirect\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/html\"> <form id =\"threedsChallengeRedirectForm\" method=\"POST\" action=\"https://<host_name>/acs/v2/prompt\" target=\"challengeFrame\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"creq\" value=\"eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6ImNhODM1ZDQxLTBlMDktNGI3OC1hNmUyLWQwZjJiNjFlZjBjOCJ9\" /> </form> <iframe id=\"challengeFrame\" name=\"challengeFrame\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" ></iframe> <script id=\"authenticate-payer-script\"> var e=document.getElementById(\"threedsChallengeRedirectForm\"); if (e) { e.submit(); e.remove(); } </script> </div>",

Advanced integrations

The request submitted by the payer's browser to your web site on completion of the authenticatePayer() method is parameterized allowing you to determine the authentication outcome. The individual authentication fields, for example, authentication.3ds2.transactionStatus.data, can be useful in an advanced integration or if you need to provide the authentication data in a payment processed via another gateway. For more details, see How do I implement advanced payment session integrations?

Step 5: Use the authentication in a payment Copied to Clipboard

When the result of the authenticatePayer() function indicates that you can proceed with the payment (gatewayRecommendation=PROCEED), you can initiate a WS API AUTHORIZE or PAY operation. In addition to the standard fields, you must provide the following fields:

  • order.id
    Use the same orderId that you supplied in the initiateAuthentication() and authenticatePayer() functions.
  • authentication.transactionId: Use the same transactionId that you supplied in the initiateAuthentication() and authenticatePayer() functions. You do not need to include any of the fields in the authentication object, as the gateway uses the authentication.transactionId to look up the authentication results that it stored when you asked it to perform authentication. The gateway passes the required information to the acquirer.
Pay request example
URL https://ap.gateway.mastercard.com/api/rest/version/<version>/merchant/<your_merchant_ID>/order/<your_order_ID>/transaction/<your_transaction_ID>
      "session": {
          "id": "<your_session_id>"
Pay response example