Session configure()


The configure( ) function allows you to configure Hosted Session interactions. You can choose to collect payment details either using proxy payment fields hosted by Mastercard Gateway and rendered within an iFrame, or through a digital wallet interaction.

Usage Copied to clipboard


Example Copied to clipboard

    fields: {
        // Attach hosted fields to your payment page
           card: {
              number: "#card-number",
              securityCode: "#security-code",
              expiryMonth: "#expiry-month",
              expiryYear: "#expiry-year"
           giftCard: {
                  number: "#gift-card-number",
                  pin: "#gift-card-pin"
           ach: {
                  accountType: "#ach-account-type",
                  bankAccountHolder: "#ach-account-holder",
                  bankAccountNumber: "#ach-account-number",
                  routingNumber: "#ach-routing-number"
    frameEmbeddingMitigation: ["javascript", "x-frame-options", "csp"],
    callbacks: {
        initialized: function(response) {
            //handle initialization response
            if(response.status === "ok") {
                // ...
            } else if (response.status === "system_error") {
        formSessionUpdate: function(response) {
            //handle session update response
        visaCheckout: function(response) {
            //handle Visa Checkout response
        amexExpressCheckout: function(response) {
            // handle Amex Express Checkout response
    order: {
        amount: 10.00,
        currency: "AUD"
    wallets: {
        visaCheckout: {
            enabled: true
            // Add Visa Checkout API specific attributes here
            countryCode: "AU",
            displayName: "Display name",
            locale: "en_au",
            logoUrl: "http://logo.logo",
            payment: {
                cardBrands: [
            review: {
                buttonAction: "Pay",
                message: "Message"
            shipping: {
                acceptedRegions: [
                collectShipping: true
       amexExpressCheckout: {
        enabled: true,
        // Add Amex Express Checkout API specific attributes here
        initTags: {
        "theme": "responsive",
        "env": "qa",
        "disable_btn": "false",
        "button_color": "light",
        "client_id": "398f9858-5567-434f-a929-242d6fc7fea8",
        "display_type":"custom"  // IF USING OWN IMAGE FOR BUTTON

Arguments Copied to clipboard

configuration Copied to clipboard Object

The object parameter to specify the configuration for the Hosted Session interaction.

session Copied to clipboard String

The unique identifier for the session. If you do not provide a sessionID the client library creates one.

fields Copied to clipboard Object

An object containing selectors for the payment fields you want to replace with the corresponding proxy fields, which are hosted by Mastercard Gateway and rendered within an iFrame. The proxy fields will have the same look and feel as the replaced fields.

card Copied to clipboard String

A container for the card fields.

number Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the card number field.

securityCode Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the security code field.

expiryMonth Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the expiry month field.

expiryYear Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the expiry year field.

giftCard Copied to clipboard String

A container for the gift card fields.

number Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the gift card number field.

pin Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the gift card PIN field.

ach Copied to clipboard String

A container for the Automated Clearing House payment fields.

accountType Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the Automated Clearing House account type field.

bankAccountHolder Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the Automated Clearing House accountholder field.

bankAccountNumber Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the Automated Clearing House account number field.

routingNumber Copied to clipboard String

A selector for the Automated Clearing House routing number field.

frameEmbeddingMitigation Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Specifies the mitigation option(s) for clickjacking prevention. For more information, see Implementing a Hosted Session Integration.

formatCard Copied to clipboard Enum

If set to true, this field controls the formatting and the validation of input in the hosted Card Number field provided by Hosted Session. By default, this field is set to false.

  • American Express Cards: input will display in the standard American Express card number format of 4 6 5 (for example, 9999 999999 99999)
  • all other cards: input will display in the standard 4 4 4 4 card number format (for example, 9999 9999 9999 9999 999)

Only numbers are accepted in the hosted Card Number field.

wallets Copied to clipboard Object

An object containing the configuration for a wallet interaction. Currently, you can only initiate a Visa Checkout or an Amex Express Checkout interaction.

visaCheckout Copied to clipboard Object

An object containing configuration for a Visa Checkout wallet interaction. See Visa Checkout integration guidelines on how to retrieve the payment details from a Visa Checkout interaction.

enabled Copied to clipboard Boolean

Set this to true if you wish to enable Visa Checkout wallet. By default, the value is set to false.

amexExpressCheckout Copied to clipboard Object

An object containing configuration for an Amex Express Checkout wallet interaction. See Amex Express Checkout integration guidelines on how to retrieve the payment details from an Amex Express Checkout interaction.

enabled Copied to clipboard Boolean

Set this to true if you wish to enable Amex Express Checkout wallet. By default, the value is set to false.

initTags Copied to clipboard Object

An object containing initialization tag configuration for a Amex Express Checkout wallet interaction. Use this to provide parameters defined in the Amex Express Checkout Init Tags API. This object is required if wallets.amexExpressCheckout.enabled is set to true

order Copied to clipboard Object

An object containing order data required for the wallet interaction. Optionally, you can provide this order data in the session.

amount Copied to clipboard Decimal


currency Copied to clipboard String


callbacks Copied to clipboard Object

An object that specifies functions to be invoked for various Hosted Session events.

initialized Copied to clipboard Function

A function to be invoked when a wallet interaction is initialized.

formSessionUpdate Copied to clipboard Function

A function to be invoked when the session is updated.

visaCheckout Copied to clipboard Function

A function to be invoked when the Visa Checkout interaction is completed.

amexExpressCheckout Copied to clipboard Function

A function to be invoked when the Amex Express Checkout interaction is completed.

Return Value Copied to clipboard
