Rupay getLastCorrelationId()


Get the last correlation id that was used for making the REST API call.

Since this is an API with majority of request & response  processing happening asynchronously, it would be nice to know which callback handler is being processed for which request call. The API client/integration code can use  correlationId as a way to identify the response for the corresponding request.  It's an optional argument to the API methods. If this value isn't passed, API will generate a new UUID every time before making the REST API call.

The integration code can use getLastCorrelationId()  method to find the last correlation id that was used for a given API request, on cases where the id wasn't passed to the API method.

The value of correlationId  will be the same for a given API request on their before and after  events.  The integration code can use correlationId  for tracking the event handlers specific to the events. 

Usage Copied to clipboard


Example Copied to clipboard


Arguments Copied to clipboard


Return Value Copied to clipboard

correlationId Copied to clipboard String

A String with the last correlation id that was used for making the REST API call.