Retrieve Risk Assessment
Request to retrieve the details of a risk assessment performed by a risk service provider.
Authentication Copied to clipboard
This operation requires authentication via one of the following methods:
- Certificate authentication.
Basic HTTP authentication as described at
Provide 'merchant.
<your gateway merchant ID>
' in the userid portion and your API password in the password portion.
Request Copied to clipboard
URL Parameters Copied to clipboard
Alphanumeric + additional characters
The unique identifier issued to you by your payment provider.
This identifier can be up to 12 characters in length.
Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'
Min length: 1 Max length: 40Alphanumeric + additional characters
A unique identifier for this risk assessment to distinguish it from any other risk assessment you create.
Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_', ' ', '&', '+', '!', '$', '%', '.'
Min length: 1 Max length: 40Fields Copied to clipboard
To view the optional fields, please toggle on the "Show optional fields" setting.
A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.
The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.
Data can consist of any characters
Response Copied to clipboard
Fields Copied to clipboard
A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.
The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.
Data can consist of any characters
Details about the risk service provider for this risk assessment.
The name of the risk service provider.
Data can consist of any characters
The unique identifier for the risk assessment request submitted to the risk service provider.
The gateway generates this value and submits it in the request to the risk service provider so that you can track the risk assessment in the risk service provider's system.
Data can consist of any characters
The overall result of risk assessment returned by the risk service provider.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The Risk Service Provider assessed the information you submitted in the risk assessment request and considers the risk of completing the transaction as low risk.
The Risk Service Provider did not risk assess the information you provided in the risk assessment request because the request contained insufficient information to make a risk assessment.
The Risk Service Provider assessed the information you submitted in the risk assessment request and considers the risk of completing the transaction as high risk.
The Risk Service Provider assessed the information you submitted in the risk assessment request and considers the risk of completing the transaction as neither low risk or high risk and recommends that you perform a manual review before completing the transaction.
A system-generated high level overall result of the assessment.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The operation was declined or rejected by the gateway, acquirer or issuer
The operation is currently in progress or pending processing
The operation was successfully processed
The result of the operation is unknown
Details of the decision need to make or have made, when the risk service provider has asked to you review this assessment.
The status of the risk review decision.
Where a risk review is required you need to go to the risk service provider's system and make the decision. The decision will then be recorded against the risk assessment.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
You made a review decision and accepted the payment for processing.
A decision to accept or reject the payment for processing is pending.
You made a review decision and rejected the payment for processing.
The reason you selected when you reviewed this order in the external risk service provider's system and decided to accept or reject the risk assessment.
Data can consist of any characters
The note that you entered when you reviewed this payment in the risk service provider's system and decided to accept or reject the order.
Data can consist of any characters
The date and time you made the decision to accept or reject the payment in the risk service provider's system.
An instant in time expressed in ISO8601 date + time format - "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ"
The identifier of the person who made the decision to accept or reject the payment in the risk service provider's system.
Data can consist of any characters
Details of the rules applied by the risk service provider to assess the risk of this payment being fraudulent, as provided by the risk service provider.
The unique identifier for the rule.
Data can consist of any characters
The name of the rule.
Data can consist of any characters
Signed Integer
The score resulting from the application of this rule.
JSON number data type. The represented number may have no fractional part.
Signed Integer
The total of the risk scores for all risk rules applied by the risk service provider when assessing the risk of this payment being fraudulent.
The higher the score, the higher the fraud risk.
JSON number data type. The represented number may have no fractional part.
Errors Copied to clipboard
Information on possible error conditions that may occur while processing an operation using the API.
Broadly categorizes the cause of the error.
For example, errors may occur due to invalid requests or internal system failures.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The request was rejected because it did not conform to the API protocol.
The request was rejected due to security reasons such as firewall rules, expired certificate, etc.
The server did not have enough resources to process the request at the moment.
There was an internal system failure.
Textual description of the error based on the cause.
This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST or SERVER_BUSY.
Data can consist of any characters
Indicates the name of the field that failed validation.
This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST and a field level validation error was encountered.
Data can consist of any characters
Indicates the code that helps the support team to quickly identify the exact cause of the error.
This field is returned only if the cause is SERVER_FAILED or REQUEST_REJECTED.
Data can consist of any characters
Indicates the type of field validation error.
This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST and a field level validation error was encountered.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The request contained a field with a value that did not pass validation.
The request was missing a mandatory field.
The request contained a field that is unsupported.
A system-generated high level overall result of the operation.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The operation resulted in an error and hence cannot be processed.
On This Page
- Authentication Copied to clipboard
- Request Copied to clipboard: URL Parameters Copied to clipboard
- Request Copied to clipboard: Fields Copied to clipboard Show optional fields
- Response Copied to clipboard: Fields Copied to clipboard Show conditional fields
- Response Copied to clipboard: Errors Copied to clipboard